Amit Vaidya - Forever Roaming the World
Amit Vaidya - Forever Roaming the World

Heya, I'm Amit.

Since 2010 I've been travelling and living all over the world on the tightest of budgets and mainly solo. My adventures have a habbit of turniing in misadventures and monkeys love to chase me through jungles.

However since the pandemic hit, I have been grounded and back home in England. In this time though, my focus has shifted to writing.

I have one book published called "You, Yourself & the World" which is a long-term solo travel help book answering 100+ concerns, questions and fears about life on the road solo.

Currently my first memoir is in production and highlights the first five years of my transformation from backpacker to nomad including many of my missadventures.

Connect with Amit Vaidya - Forever Roaming the World
Amit Vaidya - Forever Roaming the World

Amit Vaidya - Forever Roaming the World

Hi, I’m Amit Vaidya, Long-term solo and budget traveller, blogger and author. Upcoming book: Backpacker to nomad